Reporting a Discrimination or Harassment Concern

KCU has resources for those impacted by reported discrimination and those impacted by the process. These resources vary depending on the type of concern and relationship to the University of the person involved. These may include access to the Employee Assistance Program, counseling, assistance in reporting crimes and safety walks. KCU security is available in Kansas City by calling 816-654-7911, or in Joplin by calling 417-208-0800.

KCU also offers supportive measures, or nondisciplinary individualized services, when appropriate and reasonably available. These measures are available at no cost and can be offered to either the complainant or the respondent. A person reportedly impacted does not need to file a complaint in order to receive supportive measures. These measures include, for example:

  • Academic assistance
  • Workspace or classroom schedule relocation
  • Time off from work or classes
  • Mutual no contact agreements
  • Safety planning

To request supportive measures, contact the Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinator. These measures will be kept confidential (need-to-know basis) to the extent possible.

Any individual who has a concern of harassment or discrimination related to KCU should report that concern by clicking here. KCU employees are required to report discrimination and harassment as defined in the applicable policies. You may also report via email by contacting the applicable coordinator listed below.


Available services outside of KCU that can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week include:


(provides virtual counseling services to KCU Students) (Use your KCU email address to register)

833-484-6359, ext. 2

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)


Joplin Police Department

303 E. 3rd St, Joplin

Non-Emergency: 417 623-3131

Emergency: 911

Kansas City Police Department

1125 Locust St.

Kansas City, MO 64106

Non-Emergency: 816-234-5111

Emergency: 911

University Coordinators

KCU has designated the senior manager of University Compliance to coordinate the University’s compliance with federal and state civil rights laws regarding protected characteristics, including Title IX, Title VII, Title VI and other applicable laws.

Joe Price

Senior Manager of University Compliance, Title IX and Equal Opportunity Coordinator

1750 Independence Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64106


[email protected] (for sex discrimination and harassment matters)

[email protected] (for other matters, such as those under Title VI, Title VII, Age Discrimination Act, Section 504, or other related rules and regulations, which includes but is not limited to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, disability, etc.).

The University has also designated two deputy coordinators for these matters:

Jamie Hirshey

Vice President, Human Resources and Joplin Campus Administration

2901 St. John’s Blvd.

Joplin, MO 64804


Jenni Casey

HR Business Partner

2901 St. John’s Blvd.

Joplin, MO 64804



To request accommodations for a disability, employees and visitors should contact one of the following:

Shannon Lindsey

Senior Manager of Human Resources/ADA Coordinator

1750 Independence Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64106


[email protected]

Jenna Budd

Human Resources Specialist I /ADA Deputy Coordinator

1750 Independence Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64106


[email protected]


To request accommodations for a disability, students should contact:

Andrea Hanson

Disability Services & Advising Coordinator

1750 Independence Ave.

Kansas City, MO 64106


[email protected]