2020 Research Symposium Award Recipients

Congratulations to student presenters in KCU’s first virtual Research Symposium on April 29, 2020, where 144 students participated in 90 poster presentations and six students were invited to give live presentations. Additionally, 18 faculty participated in 55 poster presentations and mentored five students in the live presentations. All of this was done in a virtual format that exemplifies your resilience and commitment to research. The quality and value of the research presented this year was inspiring. 

Top Four Posters

1st     Keanon Swan
Promoter Identification and Activation of Dp260 Dystrophin Isoform       

2nd    Suyuan Tan
The Effects of Adipose CGI-58 On Thermoregulation and Glucose Homeostasis in Mice

3rd Tie   Edward Dorfamn
Delayed Microvascular Injury in Doxorubicin Treated Mouse Hearts

3rd Tie   Kaitlyn Small
The Sensitivity of Clinical Symptoms of Malaria in Rural Kenya


Top Three Invited Presentations

1st     Michael Weaver
Use of trial registry data in ophthalmology systematic reviews and meta-analyses.          

2nd    Reid Gamble
Trans-specific Geriatric Health Assessment (TGHA): An inclusive clinical guideline for the geriatric transgender patient in a primary care setting.

3rd    Karen Tong
Impact of Obesity on Short-Term Outcomes in Hospitalized Sepsis Patients

Scoring was extremely close; all six presentations were within eight points of each other.

Appreciation and Acknowledgements

Special appreciation and acknowledgement:

  • Gwen Dodd for her tremendous effort to organize the event. This was an especially challenging year due to the obstacles of COVID-19 and the necessity of changing the format to virtual. Without Gwen, there would have been no symposium.
  • Jeff Staudinger who worked tirelessly to get the symposium uploaded and presented virtually. Dr. Staudinger’s effort on behalf of student researchers should remind us all of what can be done if you believe in something and won’t take no for an answer. 
  • Judges: Dr. Greg Fitch, Dr. Britt Johnson, Dr. Abdulbaki Agbas, Dr. Suman Chaudhary, Dr. Gretchen López-Hernández, Tony Olinger, Dr. Carol Kirila, Dr. Ehab Sarsour, Dr. Eugene Konorev, Dr. Cindy Schmidt, Dr. Nicole Ford, Dr. Robynne M. Lute, Melissa Cobb, Amber Wiggins-McDaniel, Edina Kosa, Dr. Asma Zaidi and Dr. Ryan Sheehy. The contribution of their Missouri Southern State University time and expertise was invaluable.
  • Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) for their kindness and collaborative spirit in enabling this momentous event. Specifically, Drs. Alan Marble, Paula Carson, Marsi Archer, Donna Johnson and Crystal Lemmons were instrumental in driving the formation of the MSSU-KCU Research Consortium (MKRC). They have provided free and unfettered access to their laboratory facilities throughout the process at the Reynolds Annex on the campus of MSSU. Furthermore, access to their ‘Southern’ WiFi network, in addition to their passion, drive and motivation for our regional collaboration and partnership was instrumental in making this wonderful event possible. Without their partnership none of this would have been possible.
  • Presenters - We hope you will continue to include research in your careers as you continue forward. Each of you should be proud of the work you did.

Once again Congratulations on research well done!