Awards and Recognition
Kenneth Heiles, DO, Named Campus Dean for KCU-Joplin College of Osteopathic Medicine
Kansas City University announces the appointment of Kenneth Heiles, DO, as campus dean for the College of Osteopathic Medicine – Joplin.
The Fountain of Good Life
In October 2021, Kansas City University (KCU) added an important piece of Kansas City history to its north campus.
KCU Awarded the 2022 Platinum Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health
We are proud to announce that Kansas City University (KCU) has been awarded the 2022 Platinum Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health by Mental Health America (MHA). The Bell Seal is a first-of-its-kind workplace mental health certification that recognizes employers who strive to create mentally healthy workplaces for their employees.
KCU-Joplin College of Dental Medicine Receives $3 Million from Joplin Regional Medical School Alliance
Bruce R. Williams, DO, FACOFP, Elected 2022–23 ACOFP President
Kansas City University awarded $1.6 million health workforce grant
Funding will support training that builds resiliency for health care professionals at the beginning of their careers.
Dr. Jennifer Dennis co-authors published manuscript series
KCU Recognized with Cigna 2021 Well-Being Award
KCU dental faculty co-authored federal oral health report
New Data Reveals Med Schools’ True Impact on Primary Care Workforce
Kansas City University Ranks in Top 10 for Graduates Practicing in the Field