KCU in the News
What Type of Toothpaste Should You Buy?
Toothpastes come in various forms, including gel, creamy paste or powder, and may have similar or different ingredients. While all toothpastes differ slightly, says Dr. Erinne Kennedy, director of predoctoral education at Kansas City University College of Dental Medicine, all contain the same general components.
KCU's Dr. Desai speaks on the importance of sinus health
Sinus pain and pressure impacts millions of people. It is such a common problem that ear, nose, and throat surgeons who see a lot of it created a special day to talk about it.
KCU Joplin students gain experience with live patients
Student doctors are getting a jump start on their future job through free health checks for younger Joplin students. It’s a program called “Score 1 For Health.”
KCU Joplin students get real-world experience
The Joplin Globe highlights KCU Joplin students getting real-world experience during the Score 1 for Health event.
KCU Joplin students start medical school with 'white-coating' ceremony
The Joplin Globe showcases KCU students white coating ceremony. Click here to read the full story.
KCU-Joplin White Coating Ceremony for future doctors
Students were taking some of their first steps to becoming the next generation of doctors. Click here to read the full story.
Dr. Niessen discusses gum disease on Local News Today
Did you know gum disease can exacerbate existing heart conditions? Dr. Linda Niessen, Dean of College of Dental Medicine at Kansas City University, joined Local News Today to discuss gum disease.
Motivating Pre-Meds: Dr. Renée Volny Darko helps the next generation succeed
To celebrate Women in Medicine Month, AACOM interviewed KCU alumna, Renée Volny Darko, DO, MBA, an obstetrician-gynecologist with more than 15 years of experience helping pre-medical students get accepted into medical school.
Notes from the Doctor: Inflammatory Arthritis
Kansas City University's Dr. Ken Stewart speaks on the causes of inflammatory arthritis.
Kansas City University Score 1 for Health Event
Dr. Annette Campbell, Director of Score 1 for Health, speaks on the annual KCU Score 1 Health Event and how it helps area children.
Pandemic impact on childhood fitness
Kansas City University's Dr. Gautam Desai speaks on childhood fitness and their need for exercise.